2011年10月29日 星期六

Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy

Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy 喬安‧荷里法斯︰同情心和同理心的真正意義


Joan Halifax is a Buddhist who's engaged in philanthropy for 20 some years, I feel the most beautiful person is the one has virtue, caring,compassion & empathy !


wrathful 憤怒的
plankton 浮游生物
hospce 善終,安寧中心
ward 病房
actively dying 臨終
epic 史詩
clutch 抓
sentimental 感傷的
premature 過早
referential 參照
cortex 皮質
catastrophe 災難
water 澆灌
imago 意象  成蟲
neuroscience 神經科學
resiliente 西語:彈性(復原力)
enhance 加強
neural integration 神經一體化
noxious 有毒
midst condition
equanimity 泰然處之
archetype 榜樣
Arvalokishvara of quan yi 觀音菩薩
perceive 感知
unfiltered and unmediaed 過濾並
exemplified 例證
manifesto 宣言
intimacy 親密
as it is 因為它是
infuse 注入
actualize 具體化
equation 方程
Yudhisthira  In the great Hindu epic Mahabharata, "steady in war"


"What is the most wonderous thing in the world, Yudhisthira?" Yudhisthira replied" the most wonderous thing in the world is that all around us people can be dying and we don't realize it can happen to us."

we cannot be attached to outcome 我們不能背負著那些而有成

2011年10月20日 星期四



  • 2011-10-20
  • 工商時報
  • 【記者姚舜/台北報導】
 →米其林星級麵包坊「LALOS Bakery」,即日起在台北101購物中心地下1樓試營運,圖為主廚LALOS 。圖/趙雙傑
 →米其林星級麵包坊「LALOS Bakery」,即日起在台北101購物中心地下1樓試營運,圖為主廚LALOS 。圖/趙雙傑
     台北信義計劃區愈來愈香、甜!三二行館投資引進的米其林星級麵包坊「LALOS Bakery」,即日起在台北101購物中心地下1樓試營運,而同屬三二行館引進、由米其林三星主廚Yannick Alleno主持的「STAY」餐廳與甜點店亦將於下月上旬開幕。
     「廣告狂人」葉兩傳繼引進法國「Paul保羅麵包」與「松露之家」之後,再度拿下「巧克力之神」比利時「Pierre Marcolini巧克力藝術沙龍店」海外首家代理權,位在新光三越A4館2樓的新店也在昨(19)日正式開賣。
     Pierre Marcolini是當代傳奇性的巧克力天才大師、被喻為「巧克力之神」,除為1991年比利時冰淇淋大師冠軍得主、1995年世界甜點冠軍,亦為2000年歐洲甜點冠軍。
     「LALOS」麵包坊主人費多雷克.拉洛斯(Frederic Lalos)曾為法國總理御廚,並為法國工藝大師MOF史上最年輕烘焙主廚,去年更拿下全法「最佳烘焙大師」獎項。在大巴黎地區共有13家米其林餐廳指定使用。
     位在台北101購物中心地下1樓的「LALOS Bakery」,為占地約37坪、 無座位的麵包烘焙坊,提供品項包括麵包、甜點與輕食,種類超過100種。
     而位在新光三越信義新天地A4館2F的「Pierre Marcolini巧克力藝術沙龍」則占地70坪,除有巧克力全品項外帶區,並有容納40人座位的空間。

Dan Ariely: Beware conflicts of interest 謹防利益衝突

Dan Ariely: Beware conflicts of interest

Sometimes we bear bias to look things and take for granted,we have incentives to encourge us to do believe what we've done is good for people , on the contrary,it exactly take them into jeopardy situation as a guinea pig!

Michael Yang

symmetric 對稱guilt trips 內疚
perverted pleasure  變態快感
to the extent 的程度
schmuck 糟糕
inherently biased 固有(天生)的偏見
intuition 直覺
mechanisms 機制

not very informative 不是很有建設性
different perspective on the same story 對同一個故事不同的角度
pull the mean of the group lower 拉......平均值低
it brings two points to the foreground for me 對我帶來了前景的兩個點,

2011年10月18日 星期二

Geoff Mulgan: A short intro to the Studio School

Geoff Mulgan: A short intro to the Studio School

The Studio School is similar with vocational shool but more like a pratical world where we live in present. perhaps it can apply for our trainning system of tour guide & tour leader.  

Renaissance 文藝復興
cognitive 認知
resilience 彈性
prototyping phase 試辦階段

might just be coming to a neibourghhood near you soon
turn on its head much of our conventional thinking 顛覆~
we come up with an answer, a very simple answer in a way
at the top decile of performance
things which were marginal 原本不受重視的事情

2011年10月8日 星期六

Maajid Nawaz:一個全球打擊極端主義的文化 |

A global culture to fight extremism

Maajid Nawaz:一個全球打擊極端主義的文化 | Video on TED.com

Maajid Nawaz who is formorl extreme Islamic org. leader,we can tell how smart he is and he share(spill) the secret as a traitor in Muslim societies, I'm surprised at what he's done and admird...and I 've found myself need to do more agressively in my life , especially in analizing, English..all this from Maajid Nawaz's wisdom.

Michael Yang

activism 激進
elaborate 闡述
phenomenon 現象
fascist 法西斯
propagate 傳播
potent force (霸道 )一股強大的力量
rhetoric 修辭 花言巧語 修辭學 辭藻 辭章 豪語 華麗虛飾的語
parochialism  本位主義 門戶之見
mosque minarets 清真寺的宣礼(尖)塔
kosher 猶太食品
aspirant  懷抱大志者 有野心者 上進的
xenophobic 排外的
Benazir Bhuto 布脫
Al-Qaeda 蓋達組織
grassroot 草根
complacency 自滿
espouse 擁護
neoconservalism 新保守主義
relegate 貶謫
theocracy 政教合一
merely 只是 僅僅 只 僅 只不過 不過 單純 只顧 
preconception 偏見
grievances 怨氣 不滿 民怨 委屈
anecdotally 閒談 有趣的是...anecdotal軼事
fabric 結構 布料

over the course of..歷程..
Medieval societies 中世紀社會
they're getting left far behind
Old mentality with a captal O 舊思維
hard press 難於啟齒
so that begs a next question ..因此引出下一問題
take the blame for ...為此受責難(負責)
i.e.you're voting for....即是...
cathartic for me...啟發我..
genuine buy-in 真正的影響
And it's with that thought I'll end,我會以這個念頭作為我的結束

2011年10月3日 星期一

Julia Bacha: Pay attention to nonviolence(朱麗亞·巴夏: 重視非暴力抗爭)

朱麗亞·巴夏: 重視非暴力抗爭 | Video on TED.com

Julia Bacha: Pay attention to nonviolence

Unviolence is prior (top) pricinple when you try to solve problems, I always keep my temple calm and peace when I encounter obstacles(people,things....).

forge 促成
emergence 萌芽
profound 深刻 深厚 深切 深奥 深深 高深 深长 微妙 奥妙 厚 湛 入木三分 沉的
viable 可行的
tantrums 發脾氣
disenchanted 醒悟
unlock 化解

for the likelyhood 的可能性
in addressing their plight(困境) 在解决他们的困境
throw a fit
it's as if ... 就好像...adopt 採用
the power of attention is probably going to come as no surprise to the parent...

2011年10月2日 星期日

Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story

"prejudice" all comes from "the single story" that makes us ignorant !

I'm so impressive that  Chimamanda Adichie was so young, smart and humane, she's inspired me that many works need to done still.

I have to admit that there are many jerks who never have the opportunity to learn what is "open mind" in our society.

pls browse to know what about in following website 
Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story | Video on TED.com

Michael Yang